29 April 2007
Reporter: Nads
It was a big night out at the International Indoor Cricket Stadium this week for the Anzac Day clash. Cap’n Norro was heard to remark that “other than for the grand final this is traditionally the biggest clash of the year”. And the crowds lining the streets of Lyneham, begging to be allowed in were most disappointed when the officials raised the ALL FULL signs and shut the centre down, with concerns raised that a stampede of 100,000 adoring fans could end in a fathers fatality.
Unfortunately, Conga, who had rearranged his entire life to be available on match day, was bitterly disappointed when arriving just before first ball. Being unable to negotiate his way through the melee – which was by now spreading to neighbouring suburbs. He was quickly ejected by security, and yells of protest “you’re all a bunch of suckholes….if I have to, next time I’ll crowd surf my way in” were heard from the back of the disappearing biddy van.
We all knew it was a match of great significance, but the blessing from above was never foreseen. Inzy, wrapped in his daughter’s wee shawl, had an apparition, and within moments he was channeling Mother Theresa. All of a sudden some fathers thought they had died and been reborn in deepest darkest Calcutta. It was a beautiful moment for all fathers, past and present, as I am sure the blessing given transcended actual presence, and all fathers felt the love, whether they were there on game day or not. Dead for over 10 years, but we now know she still lives – thanks Inzy
Itchy was heard to mumble “Jesus Ma Ta, And I thought this was Anzac Day, not easter”
.”….. this story is biiiiiiiig, it is going straight to the web….hmmmm, but how I am gonna work some light porn into it….”
In further breaking news, Big Kev (aka Witz), more informally known as Kevin, was spotted at the game. Upon Kevin’s arrival, he was heard to say “I AM excited” upon which, like the parting of the red sea, the crowd made way for a man that almost embodies too much excitement for one man. Obviously no one dares to get in his way. With his new moniker, Kevin could not help but speak his mind, “Mate, I am proud to not only be known as Kevin, but to be Kevin, and with luvable Kylie and her luvables in this team, who know’s what could happen. Pair us up and I reckon you got the true spirit of the Fathers in one. And what could come of such a combo – just the thought…..I really am excited. Just think…think of the product…. It could be the start of the next generation of Fathers. Generation F. Or Generation FF. What a frigan beauty”
The spirit at the NICC was palpable. Even Norro had to take a back seat. What a day. What a clash. The result was irrelevant. There was no clash. The bleedin’ NICC was shut. Bunch of Fudgers.