International Shit Cricket Time (ISCT)The Father's went down in a thriller this week but more importantly Kermit forgot to bring the beer (even though he was a late scratching) FINE.
DOUBLE FINE for Hugo for not reallocating a new beer boy however the club's beers were a fine replacement. Hugo to replenish Father's funds to cover the steep $2.50 beers that were downed by the four fathers left standing: Itchy, Nads, Hugo & Gladdy.
Back to the game......The closeness of the match was not reflected in the score (148 v 72) or the losing margin (76 runs). Legend has it a number of poor umpiring decisions and hot blooded fathers keen on replicating the Aussies 20 / 20 match earlier in the night resulted in an “unsatisfactory loss indeed” as claimed by Captain Our Kylie. The captain of the night, Our Kylie was so furious with the teams nonchalance his hot pants were close to tearing (and not from a lack of cricket action of late).
The Captains gripe is well summarised in the following assessment of each father's performance based on a runs scored v runs conceded to provide a net difference .

** Chocco's over bowled by others due stretching too far for his drink during the drinks break. Out for a few weeks it would seem.
The Chocco / Gilly family amassed 53 of the losing margin. Something in the water in Tuggeranong.
The only Father who can hold his head high is Hugo with a positive contribution of 23 and a season best 5 for -11 (FINE CREDIT). His head was quickly lowered whilst scouting for the beer wench. This fine credit should come in handy with the double FINE mentioned previously. This bowling prowess is something usually reserved for the bowling star, Our Kylie but he seemed to have left his bowling prowess in the carpark.
The match started with the Father's sent into bat, and that is where the excitement stopped.
Nad's and Rosco finished with 17 runs, not much to write home about but after being 3/0 after 2 overs the comeback was quite impressive, especially after Spiderman bowling the last over to them who seemed to spring off the nets to get that extra pace.
Gilly and Gladdy faired even worse with a total of 6 after the mandatory 4 overs, with -18 coming from the final over. May have been better to declare after three.
Kylie and Itchy started in spirited fashion with Itchy being surprisingly aggressive with his batting style (again)! The pair amassed 21 after 2 overs but came back to earth with 28 after 4 overs after some dodgy run outs decisions and lucky bowling.
Hugo and Chocco started well with 17 after 2 overs but midway thru 3rd over Chocco's calf blew out and the innings ended in tears for all with only 19 after the allocated 4 overs.
The bowling overall was crap but not as crap as the batting. The highlight in the field being Nad's screaming catches at the back of the court. A sublime effort. However this did not help Hugo on two occasions by missing out on hatricks (FINE, FINE). Itchy and Our Kylie also received (FINE) for missing a hatrick also.
Generally a night to forget. Bring back Norris – the lucky charm!
Next weeks match is at 8.10pm. Team needs some refinement and as such a number of changes have been made, we are going with 2 spinners this week (Kermmy / Our Kylie), pitch is expected to turn:
1. Hugo (For the final match of the year extra special beers will be provided)
2. Itchy
3. Nads
4. Gilly
5. Rosco
6. Kermmy
7. Our Kylie
8. Gladdy
Chocco : wounded
Norris: encampment in USA
Bing: playing in 20 /20
Come on!