The WICC Wiccly11 June 2008GristleSo many reasons to talk about this man…
1. But in a word he is summed up…..stumpings.

Gilly watch your back- you are an undisputed indispensable fully fledged founding fathers stalwart, however, with gristle performing like that, we no longer need you. Sayonara Gilly.
2. Gristle – you are like our Sudanese Foster child. Every week each and every Father puts in his monies to pay for our Foster child. Gristle, we really want you to grow up strong and healthy, and have access to clean drinking water, so we will continue to put in for you, but next week cough up ($80)
3. Part of the bounty mutiny (along with Gladdy) in not following Captains orders re who’s turn it was to bowl. Fully deserved the captains car park dressing down. Don’t you understand, we do NOT want Gladdy bowling the last over, we learnt that lesson in last season’s semi final.
4. Got a second (non) captains dressing down when he was found out by the car park fashion police – thanks for that observation Gladdy. Obviously was well under dressed for the Canberra climes – it was like he was standing there in a bikini. However this indiscretion was understandable considering his HOT performance behind the stumps (listening Gilly??)
SnorkA gritty knock with the bat – so unassuming is this lad. Did anyone realize he got 24?? No, I don’t think so. Probably because this man just goes about his business, like a shy little wall flower.
PS: Thanks for winning the vote for sitter of the match. I love you, not only cos you have that special ability to make even me look good in the field.
PPS: check out the special video snapshot of Snorks Snork. A pearla.
PPPS: Was hit for two consecutive 7’s. I’m afraid this has to be referred to the match review panel for possible fines.
BillyWell Gilly, just when you started to think there was a Father ready to assume your mantle, there is not one, but two fathers lining up for best Gilly impersonator.
Pity no catches went Billy’s way, cos he was resplendent with those sticky figures (read as, he is now nursing bruised toes after bowling numerous deliveries onto them – with one particularly notable quadruple bouncer that did not make it to half court, the batter advanced down past half court to tee off on the teasing delivery, Nads and Madman trembling on the back net, only for the delivery to break viciously to the off side ( on the 4th bounce (in case you forgot), caught the outside edge, bounced into the net, bobbled deliciously to Hugoss, who confidently put his name forward for sitter of the match – only for that title to be snatched from his firm grasp by the Snork).
HugossSee above re sitter runner up.
And see above re stumpings. Gristles performance would not have been possible if astute captain Nads had not thrown the ball to Hugoss for the opening over. With the shiny red cherry acting more like an indoor cricket yellow banana, Hugoss at full pace was able to draw that lazy, fat arsed tosser forward down the pitch, and with late away swing beat the outside edge not once, not twice but three times for THREE stumpings in one over. Heroic stuff Hugoss (and Gristle) (listening Gilly??? Or have you yet smashed your fist through this screen in disgust???)
GladdyDespite being a significant part of the capn’s dressing down, the highlight of the match was also compliments of this Glad Man.
Over #4, the opening pair is just settling in to a rythym, and Nads showing devilishly astute captaincy (in case you missed that point earlier) - and wanting to get Gladdy’s over out of the way early so he is no chance of bowling the final over (no offence Gladdy) - throws the ball to the GLAD MAN. Facing is the tall left handed opening bat tosser from Kerwin’s Mob, otherwise known as Norro’s best mate. Third last ball of the over, Gladdy digs one in short, tosser gets nailed under the armpit, and hobbles like a hurt little Guantanamo Bay detainee in leg irons down to the non strikers end. Last ball of the over. Tosser, having been softened up, is again facing. Gladdy whips the rm over, like a tracer bullet it hones in at ful length, the tossers eyes light up, he swings, is deceived by the GLAD MANS GUILE, and is clean bowled.
That my friends, was a beautiful moment.
MadManThis man strikes the ball like no other – except for perhaps Harmie, and Cheezy, and…..ah f**k it, bad analogy, but f**k ya’s he can hit it. For proof just click here to watch Itchy’s video of him – Itchy’s commentary sums it up poetically.
HarmieDeft slaps back to the keeper (you with us Gilly??) for numerous run outs. Bowling is literally stratospheric – at least it would be if there was no top net. Stay tuned for his next leg break bouncer – it’s not far away.
This man was able to excite the Snork in the car park (well who can’t) by tales of surfboard riding.
Which reminds me, Gristle was also able to incite car park guttural feelings in the Snork by questioning his Julio ness. Fair cop Gristle – cos the man (boy) is a poof.
Didn’t he perform beautifully last night? As 9th man perhaps he has finally found his place in the team. He was astounding with his camera work, insightful comments (thanks for pointing out I was game in sending Snork and Gristle in together – Itch, mate, when 2 players have an issue, they need to get back on that horse and sort it out – notice how they never once ran down the same side of the pitch. Me thinks Gristle has spent the last 12 months of his 18 month hiatus over in Snorks back yard doing training drill tandem sprints with Snork. If they can master separation in Snorks back yard then surely the expansive Wicc grounds can accommodate them.
NadsAstute captaincy. And all round top bloke.
Luv ya’s all.
For those of you wondering we did actually win the match (by about 100 runs), can't find any mention of that in the report Nads. other than that it's a great match report. Itchy.