Even before the match started, comeback kid Norris sensed

Billy the Kid was in full on yoga mode, Choco was running internal diagnostics on hammys, calves, back, neck, elbow - check. Gilly was handing out early chrissy pressies, Madman was warming up with three bats and Cheezy was relaxed with a heart rate of minus 24 beats per minute. The scene was set.
Itchy had lost the toss and the modern gurus looked to take advantage of a sticky wicket sending the Fathers in to bat. Cheezy (18) and Choco (21 not out) quietly set about their business in almost surreal conditions turning over the strike with masterful skill. The WICC went quiet and the gurus looked puzzled and miffed. The battle of the body language had begun. The Fathers were on top.
Itchy recalculated and needed no manifesto. With his undeniable ability to size up a situation and unrivalled indoor cricketing brain, Itchy sensed it was time to put the foot down, nail the lid shut and go for the kill. Gilly (25) and Norris (24 not out) had answers to all of the gurus questions. Itchy and Gladdy cajoled and ranted at the back of the net. The gurus shoulders drooped. Norris and Gilly played their shots: immaculate cover drives and cuts, flat batted slogs down the ground, masterful square drives, and regulation snicks into the back net. The gurus were wicketless until the penultimate ball when a minor brain seizure caused Gilly to misinterpret a shout of NO!!!! to RUN LIKE HELL GILLY!!! It didn't matter. It could happen to anyone. 49 was on the board and the minstrels rejoiced. The Encampment schedule of major events was pencilled in.
Itchy (21) and Billy the Kid (13) carried on the theme with the bat not surrendering a wicket until the 29th ball of the partnership. And again on the 30th ball. And again on the 31st ball. THAT'S A FINE!
But the steady 34 run premiership partnership lifted the Fathers tally to 120 set the platform for the open the shoulders partnership. There were FFCC high fives, pats on the back, and the odd gentle stroke of encouragement on the unsuspecting bottom. (Snorkey was pleased!)
Itchy had saved his impact players for last. Little did he know what an impact they would have. With the delivery of the first ball of the 14th over, the destiny of the Founding Fathers changed irreversibly when Harmie (26) was given out by Cro-Magnon Man Umpire caught behind off his arse. Harmie went through all the

When the smoke cleared, the scoreboard flashed 169. The gurus looked up in disbelief and trudged off the ground, knuckles dragging. The fit and formidable Founding Fathers took to the field with aplomb quickly going through their routine of organised wind sprints, catch and throw drills, and a mid pitch visualisation yoga session.
The Founding Fathers juggernaut rolled onwards from the first delivery of the gurus innings. Cheezy opened taking 2 for 1. The pressure mounted on the batsmen. Madman followed up with a mixture of short and full length deliveries taking 1 for 4. The gurus were in trouble. Norris was on queue with 2 for -3. The gurus were searching within. Choco taunted and deceived taking 2 for 0. The Fathers turned their minds to the car park. The gurus bickered and squabbled amongst themselves.
Itchy took the ball in hand. 0 for 16. Harmie tossed it up. 0 for 29. Madman pitched it in short leaving the batsmen no width. 0 for 11. Gilly bowled his dibbly dobblers. 0 for 26. The 81 run partnership had turned the match. Those Fathers out in the car park putting the final details into the encampment strategy quickly finished their beers and raced back to the ground.
Billy the Kid settled the nerves. 1 for 10. Norris bowled with wide cunning and guile. 1 for 5. Gilly bowled more of his dibbly dobblers. 0 for 21. Choco was pleased. 1 for 13. A 48 run partnership - the Gurus needed only 41 runs for victory in the final partnership. The Gurus had their tails in the air. The Fathers were dismissive. Paddy O'Gladdy ranted on the sidelines.
Many Captains of the modern game have crumbled under the

The Captain was vindicated. Harmie's first ball deceived the

The Fathers revelled in back to back victories under Captain Itchy. The car park beers and chips and nuts suffered annihilation. The body language was supreme. Encampment seemed only days away.