Demerit Point System
Due to severe captain consternation/constipation last season regarding the selection of finals series Founding Fathers, (and to add robustness to the Fathers "fines" system) we are instituting the Founding Fathers Demerit Point System. It is simple and easy to track because otherwise would be a nightmare. The Demerit Point System rewards commitment and form. Selection for finals matches (when we make the final again) will be based on your demerit point ranking. It may seem harsh but that's just tough luck.
The rules:
1. Members start the season with 100 pts.
2. Miss a game without notice*: -50 pts
3. Become unavailable on short notice**: - up to -30 pts
4. Turn up late (after the coin toss): -25 pts
5. Beer boy doesn't bring beer (slab): - 100 pts
6. Beer boy brings beer but it isn't on ice: -50 pts
7. Fail to make good membership fee when due: -25pts
8. Best Batsman each game: +25pts
9. Best Bowling figures each game: +25pts
10. Bring Cheer Squad: +5 pts per person
11. Sub in late for an unavailable starter: +10 pts
12. Turn up to barrack even though you are in the reserves: +5 pts
12. Attend bye "practice session": +10 pts
13. Fail to attend bye "practice session": -10 pts
14. Attend encampment weekend***: +50 pts
15. Fail to attend encampment weekend: -50 pts
16. Undertake gender reassignment (as determined by your peers): -50pts
* You need to SMS my mobile if you are named in the starting 8 but can't play.
** The longer you leave it, the greater the demerit value (Stinz's "sliding scale" rule: Monday:- 10, Tuesday: -20, Wed (before noon): -30). If you advise you can't play (by SMS) before the regular Sunday e-mail then zero demerit points. 12pm each Wed is the cut off or its -50 pts.
*** TBC - long term planning on this - late Feb/early March 07 is the go - lock it in.
A. Special circumstances will be considered though membership vote (one vote per member). Where there is a tie the Captain has discretion.
B. If you miss a game without notice, after your next game in the car park (beer in hand) you must also sing (beginning to end) "Advance The Founding Fathers" (sung to the tune of you know what) to avoid a further - 50pts.