Yallop finished there innings with a PALTRY 46...ha.
The bench was abuzz as the FF’s padded up for the second innings. New recruit Neil (Chippy) and Gilly cracked a notable foundation innings of 40 setting the stage for a steady match winning partnership of 50 from Hugo and Snorky. Not a wicket fell during the second pair who came off the pitch leaving disconsolate puddle of yellow dejectedness. The Yallops were shattered. 44 runs ahead and an absolute thrashing in sight brought big Kev and Kyles to the wicket. Kyles played a myriad of shots all over the ground for a solid 24 backed up by KEVS BLAZING -2. May well he hang his head – fine for contributing -0.01 of the total score. Better luck next week KEV, he apparently was feeling more than a little guilty for NOT INVITING THE FATHERS TO HIS HOUSEWARMING.
Finally the tall timber hit the pitch and brimming with confidence SMASHED the Yallops for a blazing and unprecedented 88 RUNS. Fine to both for the probable post match team suicide of the Yallops. It was, however, beautiful to watch.
No one felt the wintry temperatures as they guzzled the assortment of top shelf brands fresh from Hugos esky. The Fathers had won…and won well (bugger the graciously!)
Next match – Wednesday 18 July - 6.50pm - Founding Fathers (Jug) vs Brewskies
1 Hugo
2 Nads - Carryover Captain
3 Conga
4 Choco
5 Gilly
6 Itchy - Beer boy
7 Gladdy
8 Snorky (perhaps the last for a while...)
9. Kev (getting excited at home)
10. Norris (ass kicking commies in true Norro style)
11. Our Kylie (trying to undo the damage caused to Australian tennis by THIS PEANUT)
Gristle (re-hab)
Inzy (on tour)
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