Dear Senors
The purpose of this brief letter is to introduce you to Snorky a.k.a the ‘Snorkmeister’ (pictured) and to propose the commencement of a business relationship between our two esteemed organisations.
Snorky is currently enjoying first team status with the world renowned ‘Founding Fathers’ Australian indoor cricket team. A quick check on Google will no doubt illustrate that the ‘Snorkmeister’ is an accomplished batsman, bowler and fielder.
Snorky will soon leave Australia for a year’s sabbatical in your country. He does so with our blessing but as Snorky is still currently under contract to the ‘Founding fathers’ we would like to recoup a portion of our significant investment in this outstanding athlete.
With that in mind I would like to offer his services as captain/coach of your national indoor cricket team. In exchange all I ask is that you agree to pay all costs when the Founding Fathers tour Spain later this year. The touring squad will number 12 and only require return business class flights, accommodation (5 star), sangria, tapas, tequila and a per diem allowance per player of $200 USD.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Sincerely yours
Itchy Esquire
Founding Fathers
(Acting) Admin Captain
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