And open letter & invitation from the Snorkmeister to all FFCC players
Prepare ye selves for encampment at the newly chimney'd Nuggan.
Activities will come at a fast and furious rate beginning of course with fine night and a Hugo culinary extravaganza on Friday.
A lot of thought has gone into making people feel at home over the weekend and the individual touches will include:

Norro - A brand new wicker basket complete with Dougal, Angus' Scottish teddy bear - reputedly soft without the waxy wipe of public toilet paper. Washable and scrubbable.
Itchy - a large Cuban, rolled on the naked thigh of Big Al our farm caretaker - complete with leg hair, piss dribble and the occasional long pube.

Ike - a bowl of dry biscuits to provide his weekends nourishment. We can organize an extra hard Gulag style mattress complete with lice as well if he wishes.
Choco - Vitamin B to get over the years insemination efforts...we'll put a little bowl beside your bed as well.
Gilly - the headcrush in the stockyards is oiled and heifers are lookin' good - black or brown mate?

Gladdy - a carton of 'ladies light' will be waiting beside your lettuce salad.
Hugo - A tape recording of an extremely annoying noise will be placed into your pillow, specifically designed to switch on the minute you actually get to sleep. Chocos bowl will be tipped over your head at 3am. Fantasy will become reality.
Inzy - You are excused from the beach sprints and will provided with a box of all the single socks in the house...hope its enough

Gristle - you will have the most comfortable chair carried around wherever we go so you can watch us have fun - we don’t want you to hurt yourself…ya handbag.
Kylie - I have got all the stuff ready so you can build us a tennis court on Saturday ready for competition Sunday. Don’t worry we can give you a quick lift with the heavy stuff. A small patch of grass has been especially mown to cater for you Saturday morning redeye burp.
Kevin – you are officially in charge of cleaning products – and the subsequent cleaning….and that should get you very excited. Inzy may need a help with the washing machine.
Kermie – a quiet room for you to prepare the manifesto for the season. You can come out Sunday for some air.
Madman, Cheezy and Harmie – sorry boys not well acquainted with your bad habits yet but I

Billy the kid – we’ll set up a jumping castle in the backyard
The traditional games of canon mark, bocce, beach cricket will form some of the many stimulating weekend activities
So June 21 – all excuses must pass into the public domain and have to be deemed fair by the committee. I'd put some work into them cos they they’ll be on the website. Truancy will be heavily fined.
Any excuses must be written in the following template;
Dear Founding Fathers Encampment Organising Committee,
Firstly I would like to apologise unreservedly for being a….<250>
Yours grovelingly
The ‘Meister
P.S: the green relining chair is out of bounds
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